Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Where are they all going???

Theres something fresh and exciting about change...Well,as long as you are a part of it...

Everybody around me seem to be spiralling through life,or atleast let life take over them...

I am extremely envious of those who know where they are going...and honestly the rest too,atleast they are going somewhere..

I am just watching the fun/circus/hirakari...and for so long...that its freaking me out right now.

Its so still and calm around my space...its just not funny anymore.

Loath to say ‘resolutions’, but I had a list of gazzilion things-to-do going on too...

grand dreams of studying in some fancy university..

that jet setting job..

travelling the world over..

owning all the most fashionable(read expensive) clothes..

money..money..more money..

Feeling the urge to be married...(sulking)...

and the babies..(howl)..

Now,I guess its time to get a plan in place.

MOOD:Completely lost.


Shiv said...

To change and to change for the better are two different things :P

Krish,your life still rocks


Unknown said...

I completely agree with Shiv. Krish, I thought you were the only one among us who's had something going on in life.

IReveller said...

Wow Vach,thanks for the vote of confidence...what are friends for..!! :-)

Well Shiv,you hated my life even when I was the poorest person around,so your opinion does not count..!!Btwn,I always eye ur fancy degree and New York life...but I know the pain you took to get there...sigh...

The Munn-key. said...

For someone who is undergoing change, I could agree with the person on the top of the list; but then again, who knows what's for the better, we just assume it IS the better. :)

and like Vach said, you ARE the one whose been doing a lot of things. So chin up. If you still want to, go take off on a back packing trip.

Its the best-est. :)

IReveller said...

Yeah..travel seems like the fun-nest thing to do..the only way to salvage my drab existence..!!!

But what about my "smothered- in-cobwebs" list Mudi..??????

N have you gotten back to your books...ooohahahaha.. :-)

The Munn-key. said...

Ah list schmlist (however 'mature' that may come across as ..):P

Im afraid to ask what books you may be referring to..and I have a sneaky feeling I know what it is. :P